Hello there! Welcome to Ninety Percent Opinion, Half Fact. I don't know how you found us, but welcome! I know there is a lot to talk about in the world today, and your time is worth a lot, so we will try to make the time you spend with us worth it.
So, what are we going to talk about? Well, mostly sports topics, ranging from college football to pro football to major league baseball to college basketball.....well, you get the picture. It's going to be a wide variety of topics. And we will throw in a few non-sports spots as well. But, the more feedback the better. I want to talk about things that we are interested in obviously, but also things that will bring in others who want to talk about what they want to talk about. We may have others start some ideas to help with additional points of views, if warranted.
So, here's to an open line of communication. Just keep it civil and relatively informed. Calling us "stupid", "idiots", or other adjectives, while possibly being accurate, does not help you look any smarter. Remember, this is mostly an opinion blog, and everyone is entitled to their own. Hopefully, they will be well-informed and at least half based in fact, as I am an optimist by nature. (I can hear the first "You're an idiot" comment coming from that last line). So, give us a chance, and let us know what you think. It can't be worse than watching reality tv, can it?
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